Coast Guard Ship Banner

Coast Guard Ship Banner

Flexible to meet your requirements

We have sufficient personnel on board to be able to respond to all of our customers requirements. When craft and/or management resources above and beyond our in house resources are required, we call on the assistance of national personnel augmenting resources like Tradesmen International, TradeTeam USA, ULG and Ameriforce, who can provide labor, electricians, machinery repairmen and others. Additionally, we have had great success in recruiting local specialized trades when needed.

The key and essential element to our successful performance is a professional, experienced and knowledgeable Project Manager on site at all locations. Our Project Managers are familiar with the shipboard environment and systems by virtue of prior military service in the hull, electrical and mechanical fields.

We can easily surge personnel to meet your requirements. In addition to the resources of augmenting labor/trades organizations like Tradesmen International and others, we have the proven ability to quickly recruit, train and deploy personnel who are familiar with the shipboard work environment. In this regard, we use the services of NAVNET and other firms who specialize in publicizing job opportunities for veterans, one of our preferred sources of skilled/semi-skilled trades and labor.

IMS is not a union shop. None of our labor or craft personnel are unionized. Our in house training program is outlined in our Quality Control Manual. We routinely provide in house training for our personnel on an ongoing basis and we document our training. To ensure that we have an adequate number of well trained personnel always on hand, it is our policy to promote our people from within to manager/supervisor positions. Entry level personnel are assigned to qualified, skilled craftsmen who function in the role of trainers.