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Coast Guard Ship Banner



MANAGEMENT OF PURCHASES/SUBCONTRACTS: As an ABR, our company issued approximately 1400 purchase orders/subcontracts per year, on average, over the course of the last 36 months.  The average value of these purchases/subcontracts was $4,650.00. Post award management of sub contracted work is handled by our General Manager and Production Team.  All sub contractors are made aware of contract start time, the duration of their work efforts and the standards of performance we expect from them.  To ensure that we have a cohesive, focused team, we include selected sub contractors in our planning meetings, including that period of time prior to our proposal submission. Scheduling thus becomes much easier during contract performance. We give careful consideration to both the scope of work and the performance schedule to minimize schedule disruptions. Our change management is thorough and always involves our GM and, as necessary, the company President.

Our policies and procedures for negotiating changes with subcontractors, particularly with sole source providers, follows a rigorous, pre-planned, set of standards, including subcontractor technical and price evaluation reviews. Our QMS includes step by step procedures to follow when conducting the technical and price evaluation of subcontractors, including sole source providers and vendors. When changes to contracted work occur, a team composed of the GM, Estimator, QA Manager and Purchasing Agent review the changes carefully, paying particular attention to the technical specifications and the scope of work.  After this review, discussions are conducted with the subcontractor and/or sole source provider to ensure that prices offered the customer are fair, reasonable and responsive to the customer requirement(s).  The objective of the negotiations is to ensure that any changes are in line with supportable documentation of both price and labor rates resulting from the change.  Only then will revised quotations be offered to the customer.